Daniel Stiefel Switzerland Follow

A Thornwood

Year 2023
Type Mixed
Size 59.1 × 236.2 in

"A Thornwood" refers to the well-known Marian hymn "Maria walks amid the thorns" and, of course, to the monastery itself, which was dedicated to Mary. (Domus Aulae Mariae) "Maria walks amid the thorns, Kyrie Eleison. Maria walks amid the thorns, Which seven years no leaf has born. Jesus and Maria." At the same time, color and moving forms are associated with the outrageous carvings of the choir stalls by Alois Woibl in the monastery church. My idea is to create the greatest possible plasticity and spatiality in the picture surface with clear, short gestures.

Buy € 6 000 Net price


Daniel Stiefel